Wednesday, December 12, 2007

At Last Unfolding Congo

So I'm a huge geek, if you read the InDigest Blog at all you know I already posted pretty much this same entry. But I was just paging Mosquito again and thought I should throw something up on my own blog.


Alex Lemon has a new chapbook out called At Last Unfolding Congo. I can't vouch for it yet, officially, (because I only ordered my copy yesterday) but he's a great poet and if you have any interest in poetry you should get this. It's out through Horseless Press it's really pretty cheap, and why not, you haven't bought a book of poetry you've fallen in love with since that last collection of Neruda, well I haven't anyway, so why not try this? what? Go and at least read the posted poem about At Last Unfolding's that a great title anyhow?

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